
Oscar Lopez Rivera

Oscar Lopez Rivera is a Puerto Rican Independista and political prisoner serving 70 years for seditious conspiracy.  He is the only remaining Independista remaining behind bars, the other eleven were granted clemency by President Clinton.  Just before leaving office in January of 2017, President Obama commuted Oscar's sentence.

Jeremy Hammond

Jeremy Hammond is an anarchist computer hacker from Chicago. He is the founder of the computer security training website HackThisSite, created in 2003 following his graduation from Glenbard East High School.

On March 5, 2012, Hammond was arrested by FBI agents in Bridgeport, Chicago ahead of an indictment unsealed the following day in the Lower Manhattan federal district court. He is one of six individuals from the United States, England and Ireland indicted, due to a cooperating witness known online as Sabu.

Barrett Brown

In October 2012, Barrett was indicted on three counts related to postings on websites such as Twitter and YouTube. Later in December of that year, Barrett was indicted by a federal grand jury on twelve additional counts related to data from the Stratfor information leak carried out by hackers from Anonymous. Despite his lack of direct involvement in the operation and stated opposition to it, he faced these charges for allegedly pasting a hyperlink online.

Jason Hammond

Jason was arrested outside his home in July 2013, a year after the anti-fascist action that the Tinley Park 5 served time for. He was charged with armed violence and mob action, the same as the other 5 anti-fascists.

Janine Phillips Africa

Janine Africa served as Minister of Education for the MOVE Organization. Her daugher, Life Africa, was killed at three weeks old by the Philadelphia police.  She was later caught in the police raid of the MOVE house where she and eight others were wrongfully convicted of the murder of a police officer who was killed by friendly fire during the raid. She has served 40 years in prison despite her innocence. In May 2018, her sister Debbie Africa was freed on parole. A habeas lawsuit was filed on behalf of Janine because she was denied parole unjustly.

Janet Hollaway Africa

Janet Holloway Africa is a member of the black liberation group MOVE, a mother and part of the MOVE 9, nine MOVE members all falsely accused for the murder of a police officer who was shot by friendly fire when the Philadelphia police raided their house. She has served 40 years in prison despite her innocence. In May 2018, her sister Debbie Africa was freed on parole.

Delbert Orr Africa

Personal Background

Delbert Orr Africa was born April 2, 1946.  As a young man he joined the Chicago Chapter of the Black Panther Party.  In 1969 the FBI put forth false warrants on the Chicago BPP leadership, including Delbert. He and others then fled to Canada. They struggled to get any financial support while in exile and received support from others in the struggle. Many reports have listed them as carrying out bank expropriations to sustain themselves, which is false.


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