
Luca Finotti

Luca is one of the Genoa 10 who was arrested in Switzerland in October 2017. He had been serving his sentence on a home confinement type arrangement. In 2021, this permit was revoked and he was returned to Cremona prison to serve the remainder of his sentence (Luca Finotti - Cremona Prison - Via Palosca, 2, 26100 Cremona CR). The reasons for the revocation of the permit to serve the sentence in the community are still rather vague and nebulous.

Nicola Gai

Nicola and Alfredo Cospito were arrested on September 14th, 2012 and accused of shooting Ansaldo Nucleare manager and Finmeccanica affiliate, Roberto Adinolfi, in the knees – an action carried out by Olga nucleus FAI/FRI in May 2012.  In May of 2015 their sentences were reduced, Alfredo’s to 9 years and 5 months in prison, Nicola’s to 8 years and 8 months.

Operation Scripta Manent charges

Joshua “Skelly” Stafford

“I first met Skelly a year before Occupy started.  He was a friend of my son’s and was over helping him with his bike.  My impression of Skelly was that he was someone that his friends could always depend on.  An incident with Skelly that touched my heart happened at Occupy.  One night at the food tent, a homeless family consisting of a woman and her two small children came by.  She stated that her eyes were bad and asked if someone could help identify the correct bus to get on.

Jaan Karl Laaman

Jaan Karl Laaman grew up in Roxbury, MA and Buffalo, NY. His family emigrated to the US from Estonia when he was a child.

He is currently serving a 53 year prison sentence for his role in the bombings of United States government buildings while a member of the United Freedom Front, an American leftist group which robbed banks, bombed buildings, and attacked law enforcement officers in the 1980s.

Political Life

Jared (Jay) Chase

Jay, of the NATO 3, is serving an 8-year sentence for helping undercover cops with their own idea to make molotov cocktails, that were never used, to protest the 2012 NATO summit in Chicago. He and his co-defendants were acquitted of many of the original charges, but convicted on lesser charges including misdemeanor mob action and possession of an incendiary device with intent to commit arson.

Nikos Romanos

Nikos Romanos, Andreas–Dimitris Bourzoukos, Giannis Mihailidis and Dimitris Politis were arrested after a car chase on 01/02/2013 after the double robbery at a branch on National Post office and at a branch of Agriculture Bank, in Venvento, Kozani. In addition, Nikos Romanos and Giannis Mihailidis are accused for the case of the two houses in Volos and Kalithea, Giannis Mihailidis and Dimitris Politis for the robbery at a branch of Agriculture Bank in Filotas, Florina and Giannis Mihailidis is accused for the case of the gunfight with cops in Pefki.

Panayiotis Argyrou

He was arrested on 01/11/2010 along with Gerasimos Tsakalos, while participating in one of the CCF’S campaigns, which involved the shipping of 14 parcel-bombs to various foreign embassies and leaders. They had two parcel bombs on them and another two had already been sent by them. While Tsakalos was known to police simply because he is an anarchist, Argyrou had a warrant out for his arrest since October 2009 on charges of belonging to the Fire Cells Conspiracy, and he was also awaiting trial for allegedly torching a public bus two years ago.

Norman Lowry

Norm was arrested at a protest at a military recruitment office on August 1, 2011.  Lancaster County Judge Louis Farina told Norman Edgar Lowry, Jr. that unless he would forswear his nonviolent protest, the court would be obliged to impose the maximum sentence (7 years) for Lowry’s third consecutive arrest at an Armed Forces Recruiting Station in Lancaster.

If only he would make such a promise, the judge implied, his sentence would be much lighter. Did he understand?, the court asked. Yes, Lowry answered. Will you make the pledge? No.

Harilaos "Haris" Hatzimichelakis

Haris was arrested with Panayiotis Argyrou on 23/09/2009 during the first police operation against CCF, and is serving 25 years in prison out of a total sentence of 37 years for their part in the so-called "Halandri Case," where his house in Halandri was raided and an explosive device, ready to use, was found.

He received a second pre-trial detention, after his public statement admitting he is a member of CCF, prosecuted for instigation concerning the case of the shipping of 14 parcel bombs.

Giorgos Karagiannidis

While he denies being a member of the Cells of Fire, Giorgos was tried in the so-called “Halandri case.” He was found guilty of manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and being an accomplice to the explosion at the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 20 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 32 years.


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