
Marco Camenisch

Currently serving 8 years for the alleged murder of a Customs policeman.  This is his latest sentence from a lifelong commitment to ecological resistance movements.  In 1980, Marco was sentenced to ten years for damaging electricity pylons and transformers from nuclear power stations in Switzerland, however, he escaped prison in 1981.  In 1991, he was sentenced to 12 years for injuring the carabiniere during capture and for an attack against power lines that transported energy produced by French nuclear plants.

Maliki Shakur Latine

Maliki Shakur Latine is a person who has consistently acted, studied, and worked for the betterment of his community. He is a very peaceful and deeply spiritual person who spends his time helping others. In his youth, Mr. Latine made a series of mistakes that put him behind bars for much of his life. He has educated himself and served his community while serving his time in New York State correctional facilities.

Early Life

Justin Solondz

Justin is serving 7 years after pleading guilty to conspiracy and arson for his involvement in the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) arson of the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture in 2001 and the Romania Chevrolet dealership in Eugene, Oregon. Justin was imprisoned in China for three years prior to extradition.

Justin was released to a Halfway house on 1/12/17!

John Anthony Borrell

In early 2012, Borell attacked a server for, a website for Syracuse, N.Y., police, the municipal website of Springfield, Mo., and a site for the Los Angeles County Police Canine Association, according to a signed plea deal. He pleaded guilty to computer fraud in April and agreed to pay $227,000 in damages to computer servers that had to be repaired or beefed up for security. FBI officials have said citizen complaints about drugs and other crimes were accessed along with personal data of informants and police officers.

Heather Nicholson

In 1999, Heather, along with Greg Avery and Natasha Dellemagne, set up Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) with the aim of closing Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), a contract animal-testing company based in Cambridgeshire.

Nicholson was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment in January 2009 for conspiracy to blackmail in connection with the SHAC campaign. Nicholson pleaded not guilty to the charges.

She was released on February 11, 2012 after serving 5 and half years of her 11 year sentence.

Chelsea Manning

2019 Grand Jury Resistance

Chelsea Manning was summoned to appear and give testimony before a federal grand jury. While the exact nature of the grand jury is unknown, signs indicate it is related to her 2010 disclosures of information about the nature of asymmetric warfare to the public. Following in the footsteps of scores of other activists, Chelsea is challenging the grand jury subpoena, and therefore risks being placed in jail for for up to 18 months if she is found in contempt of court. She was released from jail in March of 2020.

Artsiom Prakapenka

Artsion was detained on January 17, 2011 on suspicion of the attack on the KGB headquarters in Bobruisk launched on October 14, 2010 in solidarity with the anarchists arrested in September 2010.

Artsiom comes from Grodno and studied in Bobruisk. On May 18, 2011 he was found guilty of intentional destruction of property and sentenced to seven years of colony with reinforced regime.

He was released on August 22, 2015 on the grounds of pardon by President Lukashenko.


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