Giorgos Nikolopoulos was wanted since September of 2009, after Anti-terrorist squads and police’s special forces raided the house he and comrade Haris Hajimihelakis were living. The comrade managed to escape that night. He was arrested on 14/03/2011, in Volos, along with another 4 CCF’s members, after a night raid by police’s special forces and Anti-terrorist squads at the house where he was living.
The comrade is prosecuted for “Volos case” (alleged bank robbery, while being dressed up like cops, ongoing trial), for his involvement with explosives and guns, which were found on other people prosecuted for the same case (arrests in Pireus and Kallithea), for the 14 parcel bombs case (ongoing trial), for the case concerning 250 attacks by CCF between 2008 and 2011 (ongoing trial), for the text in solidarity with Anarchist Squat Nadir (second eviction in October 2011), for an attempted prison escape along with another three CCF’s members in December 2011 and for taking three prison guards hostage and for instigation concerning “Phoenix” project.
He is also prosecuted by the Italian state after a law suit by Silvio Berluscni, concerning the parcel bomb which was shipped to him and he is also under investigation concerning “Ardire” case, which was launched on June 2012 by the Italian prosecuting authorities.
The comrade has been sentenced in 2012 to 68 years of imprisonment for being a member of CCF and for the rest of the charges concerning “Halandri case” (three explosive attacks and possession of an explosive device) and to 16 months for illegal possession of arms due to a police raid at his house in Eksarhia, after a riot police squad was shot in the area.
In 2014 was sentenced to 24 years of jail in the third trial of CCF. In 2016 received a term of 115 years for the escape attempt and other attacks of the CCF.
Letter from O. Economidou, G.Polydoros, G.Nikolopoulos, D.Bolano, Ch.Tsakalos