
Jesse Cannon

Jesse Cannon is a militant anti-fascist serving a five-year sentence for two separate cases. The first relates to the defense of his community against far-right and white supremacist groups. The second relates to Cannon’s alleged defense of his community from another credible outside threat to the safety of park attendees during an event at which elders and multiple families with children were present.  

Andrei Marach

Andrey is an ant-fascist and football fan. Earlier Andrey was repeatedly arrested on the administrative cases for participation in the actions and protests of 2020 or preventively.

March 2, 2021 in Brest a number of activists and young people, who were probably on the list of Main Department for Combating Organized Crime as politically unreliable, were detained. During the week Aleksandr Kozlyanko, Andrey Marach, Pavel Shpetny, Nikita Dranets, Daniil Chul’, Aleksey Golovko were detained.

Alex Stokes Contompasis

Alex Stokes Contompasis is a journalist and artist from Albany, NY. Alex’s work documenting social unrest began in 2014. He was arrested in 2017 in Washington DC during the J20 inaugural protests and co-represented over 200 counter-protestors and independent journalists that were rounded up and falsely charged. He was in Charlottesville, VA during the summer protests in 2017. He routinely attended and recorded Black Lives Matter protests in Albany in 2020. He also regularly revealed local white supremacist groups and members.

Anna Pyshnik

Anna Pyshnik (Chimpoyesh) was detained on 22 March 2022 in Mozyr and shares anti-fascist views. According to the prosecution, she “shot a video of helicopters and sent it to a destructive media resource” – Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code (assistance to an extremist formation). She was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

Mail suggestions:

Political prisoners in Belarus are known to have issues receiving mail. Belarus ABC recommends sending letters using the online form on their website.

Kristina Cherenkova

Kristina is an anti-fascist from Mozyr. Detained on March 23, 2022, she is accused of inciting social hatred against police officers (Art. 130.1 of the Criminal Code) by publishing comments on Instagram. On 10 November Gomel Regional Court started the hearing of the criminal case against Kristina. According to the results of the examination, announced in court, her posts contain no calls to violent actions, but they contain a negative assessment of the police officers.

Vladislav Zenevich

Vladislav is an antifascist from Minsk who participated in the 2020 uprising against the dictatorship and rigged elections. He was detained on November 30 under Art. 342 part 1 (gross violation of public order). Vlad was also detained on the march on November 1, severely beaten, the next day he was fined. A search was also conducted in his apartment.

On February 23, 2021, he was sentenced to 3 years of custodial restraint. On June 3 was transfered to an open-type correctional facility.

Denis Boltut

Denis is an antifascist and fan of the "MTZ-RIPO" football club. He was detained on September 25, 2020 after the protests against Lukashenko’s inauguration. Denis was charged with art. 342.1 (organization and preparation of actions grossly violating public order, or active participation in them), 364 (violence against the police), 293.1 (organisation of mass riots).

On 2 July 2021, he was sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Mail suggestions:

Vitaliy Shishlov

Vitaliy is an antifascist and fan of “MTZ-RIPO” football club. He was detained on September 25, 2020 for participation in protests against Lukashenko’s inauguration. Vitaly was charged under Art. 364 (violence or threat of violence against an officer of internal affairs) and Art. 293.1 (organization of mass riots).

On 2 July 2021, he was sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Mail suggestions:

Tamaz Pipiya

Tamaz is an antifascist from Minsk and a fan of the football club “MTZ-RIPO.” He was detained on 26 September 2020 on suspicion of organizing mass riots on September 23 during the inauguration of Lukashenko. The charges were brought under part 2 of article 293 (participation in mass riots).

On 2 July 2021, sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Mail suggestions:

Political prisoners in Belarus are known to have issues receiving mail. Belarus ABC recommends sending letters using the online form on their website.

Timur Pipiya

Timur is an antifascist from Minsk and a fan of the football club “MTZ-RIPO.” He was detained on 25 September 2020 on suspicion of organizing mass riots on September 23 during Lukashenko’s inauguration. He was charged under part 1 of article 342 (organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order or active participation in them), organising mass riots (art. 293.1) and using violence against the police (art. 364).

On 2 July 2021 sentenced to 6 years and 2 months in prison.

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