
Lukáš Borl

On Sunday, September 4th, police arrested Lukáš, an anarchist who has lived in underground for about a year, due to previous intense surveillance. He was acquitted.


This is a translation of an open letter sent by Lukas from his prison
cell. He tells more about his case and what the accusations against him
are about and explains his point of view over the circumstances of his
arrest, emotional state of one living in underground:

Martin Ignachak

In April 2015, Police of the Czech Republic commenced an operation against the anarchist, anti-authoritarian and animal liberation movement. This operation is known and called Operation Fenix (Phoenix). During the initial stage many individuals have been questioned and interrogated, some arrested and several places raided. Police confiscated servers, computers, flash drives, cameras, mobile phones and other digital devices or data carriers. So far we do not know to what extend the operation goes and how many people are being monitored and what the intentions of the police are.

Operation Fenix (Phoenix)

In April 2015, Police of the Czech Republic commenced an operation against the anarchist, anti-authoritarian and animal liberation movement. This operation is known and called Operation Fenix (Phoenix). During the initial stage many individuals have been questioned and interrogated, some arrested and several places raided. Police confiscated servers, computers, flash drives, cameras, mobile phones and other digital devices or data carriers. So far we do not know to what extend the operation goes and how many people are being monitored and what the intentions of the police are.

Operation Pandora

Operation Pandora:

In December 2014, seven comrades were arrested and then released on bail a month later with the same charges, and some details of the attacks attributed to the GAC*, in Barcelona and Manresa, in addition to searches at the libertarian Athénées of Sant Andreu and Poble Sec and the squat Kasa de la Muntanya.

Pandora II:

Mónica Caballero

Mónica was arrested in Novermber of 2013, along with Francisco Solar, in what is being called the Pandora II case, and accused of being part of Insurreccional Commando Mateo Morral who have claimed responsibility for two explosive attacks on historic symbols of the Spanish Catholic church in 2013.  At the trial, in early March, it became clear that the police had no convincing physical evidence.

Francisco Solar

Francisco was arrested in Novermber of 2013, along with Mónica Caballero in what is being called the Pandora II case, and accused of being part of Insurreccional Commando Mateo Morral who have claimed responsibility for two explosive attacks on historic symbols of the Spanish Catholic church in 2013.  At the trial, in early March, it became clear that the police had no convincing physical evidence.

Osman Evcan

Osman, born in 1959 in Samsun, is an anarchist prisoner who spent the last 23 years in prison. İn 1992, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison with the charges of being a member of a leftist terrorist group and robbery. He was also imprisoned for 9 years between 1980-1989. Since Osman adopted anarchist ideas in 2003, he also became vegan and supports animal liberation struggles.

Barcelona 5

On May 15, 2013 a major crackdown was launched by the Mossos D’Squadra [Catalan police] which was directed from the National Audience Court in Madrid [high prosecution panel], in which five anarchists were arrested in various parts of Catalonia for alleged membership of the Bandera Negra group (un grupo 'especialmente activo'). This is seen as a media-orientated coup to coincide with the second anniversary of the 15-M popular protests, a media lynching, where these libertarians still remain in pretrial custody.


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