
Nea Smyrni

An antiterrorist operation gave rise to the so-called Nea Smyrni Case (Nea Smyrni is the Athens neighborhood where Alexandros Mitrousias and Costas Sakkas were arrested in possession of numerous weapons while leaving a garage where explosives and more weapons were found). Charges stemming from this case are forming an “unnamed terrorist organisation.”

Claudio Lavazza

Claudio Lavazza has spent his entire life in the underground anarchist struggle, taking part in armed attacks, expropriations, liberations of other combatants and in diffusing anarchist propaganda in many ways in Italy and elsewhere.

He was arrested in 1996, in a bank robbery in Cordoba (Spain), during which two cops were shot dead.

Cordoba 4

The Malaga court of appeal sentenced the anarchists Giovani Barcia, Michele Pontolillo and Claudio Lavaza, already sentenced to 11 years on September 1999, for an incident in the Italian vice-consulate in December 1996. Three persons wearing balaclavas imprisoned the consul and an employee, sending a message of solidarity to the Italian prisoners jailed by the Judge Marini (the judge who built a false accusation against Italian anarchists) and disappeared with passports and some money.


The “Halandri Case,” as it’s been dubbed by the mass media, represents a decisive point in the trajectory of the new urban guerrilla war.

To illustrate its importance, it’s worth referring back to the state and conditions in which the anarchist current and urban guerrilla warfare found themselves at the time.

Damien Camelio

Damien is an anarchist anti-fascist member of GADI (Groupe Action Directe International) who was arrested on Wednesday, December 7 2016 in Bretagne, charged with attacks against the Chambre of Commerce, a Jaguar dealership, and other targets during a demo that took place on April 14 between Paris’ 10th and 19th districts. This is his first letter out since being denied bail.  He was later sentenced to 10 months.

Ihar Alinevich

Ihar was originally remanded after a wave of repression by the Belarus state in the run up to presidential elections on the 19th of December. More info at:

On the May 27, 2011, judge Zhanna Khvoynitskaya sentenced the Belarusian anarchists Ihar Alinevich, Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Maxim Vetkin, and Yeveni Slivonchik. The young men were accused of a number of political actions, including an attack against the Russian embassy in Minsk in August of 2010.

Mikalai Dziadok

Anarchist and blogger Mikalai Dziadok was detained late in the evening of November 11, 2020. Dziadok was tortured for several hours and forced to give passwords to the encrypted equipment. Mikalai was accused of gross violation of public order, calls to the change of the regime via internet and possession of Molotov cocktails (he claims they were planted during the search). The prosecution believed that Dziadok repeatedly called for illegal actions on his Internet pages, including participation in protests and resistance to the cops.

Emma Sheppard

Emma was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment on 24th February 2015 at Bristol Crown Court for committing “Criminal damage recklessly endangering life.” The charge relates to criminal damage of police cars in the Bristol area.  Addres has been updated as of March 2015.

Paolo Rossi

The campaign against the building of the Turin-Lyon high speed rail link (TAV) has been running for 20+ years and regularly produces new arrests as the Italian State tries to suppress resistance.

Davide Forgione and Paolo Rossi, two comrades who have been involved in the Val Susa struggle against the TAV for a number of years, were arrested on August 30, 2013 after police stopped their car and found material considered suspicious.

Davide Forgione

The campaign against the building of the Turin-Lyon high speed rail link (TAV) has been running for 20+ years and regularly produces new arrests as the Italian State tries to suppress resistance.

Davide Forgione and Paolo Rossi, two comrades who have been involved in the Val Susa struggle against the TAV for a number of years, were arrested on August 30, 2013 after police stopped their car and found material considered suspicious.


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