
Miguel Ángel Peralta Betanzos

Miguel's community has an important history of anarchist struggle and he joined it. The struggle is for usos y costumbres [indigenous social and organizational practices] and to prevent the removal of natural resources from the community, etc. In Mexico, the matter of political parties is very complicated. There are political parties with strong criminal histories, such as the PRI. The PRI is one of the political parties inside of Eloxochitlán.

Michael "Rattler" Markus

Rattler has accepted a non-cooperating plea agreement on February 13, 2018 for charges of Civil Disorder and Use of Fire to Commit a Federal Felony Offense for his righteous involvement as a water protector at Standing Rock.

Under the agreement, the Use of Fire to Commit a Federal Felony Offense charge will be dismissed and prosecutors and defense will jointly recommend a sentence of three years in prison for the Civil Disorder charge, although the judge does have the authority to go as high as 5 years.

Dion Ortiz

Dion is one of the Standing Rock 6 and a codefendant of Bravo1 and Angry Bird. He is facing federal felony charges of Civil Disorder and Use of Fire to Commit a Federal Felony Offense. On October 22, 2018, Dion was sentenced to a 16-month prison term pursuant to a non-cooperating plea agreement for the charge of Civil Disorder. He was released to a halfway house in 2019.

Evgeny Karakashev

On February 1, 2018, Karakashev was detained, and on February 2, 2018, arrested on suspicion of committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 282 (the incitement of hatred and enmity) and Part 2 of Art. 205.2 (public calls for terrorism) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to the investigation, Karakashev published a video on one of his pages in social network «VKontakte» at the end of 2014, which allegedly calls for terrorism.

Svyatoslav Baranovich

Svyatoslav Baranovich is an active resident of Minsk who was detained on October 2, 2017 on suspicion of using violence against a policeman. On March 15, 2017 a group of anarchists joined the march against the tax on unemployment. At the end of the demonstration, plain-cloth police tried to detain a few activists when the bloc was hopping to get on a trolley-bus. Ordinary people who stood nearby started pushing with cops trying to not let them make arrests. Svyatoslav Baranovich was one of them and punched a cop.

Michael Foster

Valve-turner Michael Foster was convicted of felony conspiracy to commit criminal mischief and misdemeanor conspiracy trespass in October of 2016 when he entered a valve site of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota and shut the valve off. He did so after notifying Keystone that he has going to and giving them an option to shut it off remotely.

Michael “Little Feather” Giron

Little Feather is from the Coastal Band of the Chumash Nation and was raised in Santa Barbara, California. He was charged with federal criminal charges arising from an October 27, 2016 arrest at Standing Rock as a water protector, and has been incarcerated without bond since March 9, 2017. If convicted of both charges, Little Feather was facing 15 years in prison. On February 8, 2018, he entered into a non-cooperating plea agreement and was sentenced in May to 36 months in prison.

Sven van Hasselt

Extradited from the Netherlands to the UK in February 2017 for charges that could carry 14 years in prison, as part of the Blackmail 3 case with Natasha and Debbie Vincent. In July 2012 Sven and Natasha were raided and arrested in Amsterdam under a European arrest warrant. They were accused of ‘conspiracy to blackmail’ in relation to Huntingdon Life Sciences (rebranded as Envigo). HLS is Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory and is the most notorious and protested lab in history.


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