
Shamar Betts

Shamar Betts is a talented young man who once had a bright future ahead of him. After the devastating loss of his mother at age 12, he encountered many more challenges in his life. It was as if the deck was stacked against him. Nevertheless, he persisted in obtaining his high school diploma, living mostly on his own, and secured his first job working with children as a camp counselor in Urbana, Illinois.

Igor Banсer

Igor Banсer – antifascist and musician from Grodno. He was detained on October 20, 2020 and charged under part 1 of article 339 (hooliganism) for a performance in front of a police car. The real reason behind his arrest and detention was his uncompromised opposition to the Belarussian dictatorial regime, his participation in protests and his long-term political activity.

Vladislav Zenevich

Vladislav is an antifascist from Minsk who participated in the 2020 uprising against the dictatorship and rigged elections. He was detained on November 30 under Art. 342 part 1 (gross violation of public order). Vlad was also detained on the march on November 1, severely beaten, the next day he was fined. A search was also conducted in his apartment.

On February 23, 2021, he was sentenced to 3 years of custodial restraint. On June 3 was transfered to an open-type correctional facility.

Daniel Hale

Daniel is a drone whistleblower who was sentenced to 45 months in federal prison after accepting a non-cooperating plea agreement for allegations that he disclosed classified documents about the U.S. military's assassination program, believed to have been the source material for a series in The Intercept called "The Drone Papers."



Dan Baker

Dan Baker is a social justice activist and former army vet. He went AWOL instead of fighting in Iraq, and then took his training to help defend Rojava with the International Freedom Battalion and was featured on VICE. Dan was also active during the George Floyd Rebellion and took part in CHAZ. He was arrested on January 15th, 2021 after the FBI compiled social media posts related to Trump supporters' actions on inauguration day to build a criminal case against him.

Yasmin "Loki" Schneider

Loki, aka Yasmin Schneider, was sentenced to 5 months for participation in the confrontation with the police outside Bridewell Police Station at the Kill the Bill demonstration on 21st March 2021.

A statement by Bristol Anarchist Black Cross and Bristol Defendant Solidarity

On Friday 30th July, five people were sentenced to over 14 years between them. Four people were given sentences of over three years for riot.


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