Nicole Kissane

On July 24th, 2015, Nicole Kissane and Joseph Buddenberg were arrested and federally indicted for alleged Conspiracy to Violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act—Title 18, U.S.C., Section 43 (a) (1), (2) (c) and (b) (3) (A). A federal grand jury indictment alleges that Nicole and Joseph conspired to “travel in interstate and foreign commerce for the purpose of causing physical disruption to the functioning of animal enterprises, to intentionally damage and cause the loss of real and personal property, including, but not limited to, animals and records used by the animal enterprises, and caused economic damage in an amount exceeding $100, 000″ by allegedly releasing thousands of animals from fur farms and destroying breeding records in Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The indictment also alleges that they caused economic damage to various retail and distribution businesses and individuals associated with the fur industry.

In early 2016, Nicole and Joseph both signed non-cooperating plea agreements in which they pled guilty to Conspiracy to Violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. On May 2nd, Joseph was sentenced to two years in prison, two years of supervised release, and about $400,000 in restitution. On February 16, 2017, Nicole Kissane’s non-cooperating plea agreement was accepted by the judge, and she was sentenced to 21 months in federal prison and 3 years of supervised release.

On July 20th, 2018, Nicole's support group announced that she had been released from prison.




Tuesday, August 18, 1987



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