On the night of May 23rd 2016, the police in Warsaw arrested three anarchists on charges of an alleged arson attempt of a police vehicle.
On the 6th of January 2017, the three suspected people faced another interrogation that took place in the national prosecutor's office. Each of them was informed about a change of charges. Initially the three anarchists were charged with trying to “put into danger life or health of big amount of people or destroying high value property.” This accusation, together with others, threaten them with up to 10 years of absolute deprivation of freedom. Now they are facing accusations of (only) trying to destroy property. This means from 3 months up to 5 years of prison. All defendants were released on bail in late 2016.
Two of the arrested people have less measures of police supervision – before they needed to table at police station every day, now they need to report once per week. The three comrades inferred for changing the rest of conditions of police supervision, such as prohibition to contact each other or other people connected to the case (judge never specified what 'people connected to the case' means), prohibition of changing place of residence and interdiction to leave the country.