Maxim Yahnieshka

Maxim Yahnieshka is an antifascist from Grodno. On September 7, 2016, he was sentenced to 3 years of custodial restraint for a fight with right-wing hooligans (art. 186 Threat of homicide, malicious bodily harm or property destruction) and for robbing another hooligan of his hat (art. 206.2 Robbery with threat of violence + art. 339.1 Hooliganism).

It all started on April 1, 2015, when Maxim got beaten up by a right-wing gang so hard that he had to call the ambulance. Doctors saw multiple bodily injuries and called cops. Cops wanted to start a case on the assault, trying to make Maxim make a statement against the perpetrators. When he refused, they found the hooligans using surveillance cameras and made them accuse Maxim of other conflicts that happened before. Maxim's status changed from a victim to the accused.

On November 17, 2016 the higher court ruled to leave the sentence unchanged.

On December 12, 2016 he was transferred to an open-type penitentiary institution.

At the end of December 2017, Maxim's sentence was changed to house arrest until the end of term.

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