Alexey Vladimirovich Gaskarov


The case of the "riot" on Bolotnaya Square May 6, 2012

Alexey was sentenced to 3 years and 6 month in the prison settlement.

Detained on 28 April 2013. After questioning as a witness in the Investigation Committee, Alexei Gaskarova transferred to the status of a suspect and charged with offenses under Part 2 of Article 212 of the Criminal Code (participation in the riots) and Part 1 st.318 the Criminal Code (use of violence the representatives of the government) in a criminal case about the events on May 6 on Bolotnaya Square.

Alexey is a long-time anti-fascist and environmental activist. He was charged with “involvement in riots” and “use of violence against authorities” stemming from the March of the Millions, in Moscow. In January of 2015, he was transferred to a medium security prison where he will serve his 3.5 year sentence.

Details of the case -

Previous Khimki case

Alexey Gaskarov was arrested 30th of August 2010, as a prominent antifascist, social activist, after a demonstration of anarchists and anti-fascists which took place in city of Khimki in Moscow region 28ty of July. Demonstration was against outrages, connected with construction of new Moscow-St. Petersburg highway. Maxim Solopov was arrested one day before Alexey.

The next year, Alexey was cleared of all charges, Maxim got a suspended sentence.

You may read more about Khimki case from section of our website.

Also check special website of the campaign

He was released on October 27, 2016.



Tuesday, June 18, 1985



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