Mikita is an anarchist from Minsk, detained on October 19th, 2019 with Ivan Komar on suspicion of the attempt to set fire to Minsk pretrial detention centre (article 295-3 “Illegal actions with combustible substances” and article 344 “Intentional destruction or damage of historical and cultural values”) in solidarity with Dzmitry Palijenka, who was kept there under arrest at that time. Later the charges were also brought for another unsuccessful attack on the same pretrial detention centre (article 295-3 “Illegal actions with combustible substances” and article 344 “Intentional destruction or damage to historical and cultural property”), as well as for throwing paint at the Minsk city court in solidarity with Dzmitry Palijenka (article 341 “Desecration of buildings and destruction of property”) and other political prisoners in Belarus.
On February 12, 2020 Mikita Yemelyanau and Ivan Komar were found guilty and sentenced to 7 years of prison each. On March 27, 2020, the appellate court commuted the sentence of Mikita Yemelyanau to 4 years, that of Ivan Komar – to 3.5 years of imprisonment. Ivan Komar bears false witness against Yemelyanau, so ABC-Belarus does not support him. Komar was amnestied in January 2022.
Life in Prison
On 11 March 2022, Mikita was sentenced to 2 more years in prison for gross violation of prison rules.
Mail suggestions:
Political prisoners in Belarus are known to have issues receiving mail. Belarus ABC recommends sending letters using the online form on their website.