Solidarity with Ross Smith imprisoned in UK
Ross Smith is imprisoned in the long-term high security prison HMP Garth for possession of a Skorpion submachine gun and a hand grenade. By the time Ross gets out he will have done 22 years in prison. Ross would like to hear from you and receive postcards, letters and books. He is part of the counter-culture and likes anarchist ideas, anti-art/Dada, sound-systems, nihilism, ecology and the natural world. Ross likes training and is into fitness. Ross is from North Wales. This is how he described himself:
“Free rave crew, Dub/Junglist hippie kid, been living with the middle-finger up to the state since the age of 6. Fight The System / Fuck Gun Control – FTS FGC. Started a 7 year sentence in 2016 for drugs, money laundering and constitutent parts of a Colt 1911a, got recalled for being inside an exculsion zone (my home town), got parole then 10 days later recalled for firearms and explosives, not charged then 2 days before release after serving 5 years of the 7 year sentence was charged and remanded, then given an extra 14 years 3 months after 9 month remand time deducted for a submachine gun, hand grenade and ammunition. This brings my total hostage time to over 15 years in decrepit hell-holes, the latter being a 2/3 sentence, even though no violence was committed.
Love and respect to all wishing for freedom and total destruction of the state.
I’m a lover of natural history, passionate about music and art, I was previously self-employed doing garden design, construction and maintenance in North Wales, also sub-contracting to Snowdonia national park and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, doing conservation work. I’m an audiophile, sound-system lover, worshipper of low frequencies.”
Write to Ross:
Ross Smith
HMP Garth
Ulnes Walton
PR26 8NE