Joy Powell, Reverend

Joy is a prominent Black community activist serving 25 years to life after being framed on two separate cases.


As a pastor and a consistent activist against police brutality, violence and oppression in her community, Rev. Joy Powell was warned by the Rochester Police department that she was a target because of her speaking out against their corruption through her organization, 'Equality and Justice for All.' On many occasions, Rev. Joy had held rallies and spoke out against the police brutality and “police justifications” in Rochester, NY.

Legal Cases

Rev. Joy was accused of 1st Degree Burglary and Assault on October 9, 2006 and sentenced to 16 years in prison. She was later, while incarcerated, charged with a second degree murder and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.

An all white jury tried her; the state provided no evidence and no eyewitnesses. Rev. Joy was not allowed to discuss her activism or say that she was a pastor. The person that testified for her was not allowed to tell the court that he knew Rev. Joy through their activist work and through the church. Furthermore, the judge Francis Affronti promised he was going to give her a harsh sentence.

Joy's sentencing statement



Monday, March 5, 1962



Next Parole Hearing: 

August, 2045

Mailing Address: 

Reverend Joy Powell #07G0632
Bedford Hills CF
P.O. Box 1000
Bedford Hills, NY 10507-2499
United States


Support Group Email: 

Support Group Facebook: 


blissettfaq's picture

From Reverend Joy's support

From Reverend Joy's support site [26 March 2017]:

Take ActionSister Joy needs our help!!!

After filing numerous grievances for sexual harassment / stalking by guards, religious discrimination (subjected to anti-Black / Islamophobic violence after converting to the NOI), deprivation of access to court and legal materials and tampering with her mail / property, Sis. Joy has been held in solitary confinement and denied medical treatment (for Asthma and Diabetes). PLEASE contact:

Sabina Kaplan, Superintendent
Bedford Hills Correctional Facility
247 Harris Rd
Bedford Hills, NY 10507

Acting Commissioner Anthony J. Annucci, NYS Department of Corrections at (518) 457-8134
Harriman State Campus
1220 Washington Avenue, Bldg. 2
Room 315
Albany, New York 12226

Please bring to their attention that we are aware of the treatment Joy has been receiving, and that we demand it stop.


Rev. Joy would appreciate copies of support letters sent to her.